Best Products For Excessive Dry Skin..

120x240 free shipping bannerDid you know that excessive dryness is one of the many causes of wrinkles? older women are more likely to have moisture loss in their skin, due to lower levels of hyaluronic acid, decreased production of new skin cells and hormonal changes.
Also, excessive dryness is a problem for many people during the winter season because of the lower humidity. During the summer months, you might be able to get by with using less moisturizer, but during the winter you really need more help.
If you are like a lot of people, you have a combination skin type. Combination complexions are oilier on the forehead and nose, dry on the cheeks, chin and around the eyes. More sebaceous glands on the forehead and nose are the cause.
The skin's sebaceous glands produce sebum, a waxy oil that helps to hold moisture in the skin. Showering washes sebum away. Failure to use moisturizers after showering leads to excessive moisture loss.
Most women apply their makeup after drying off and getting dressed. The best time to apply moisturizers is right after a shower to help hold in some of the moisture gained from the steam and the water.